MEK “solid, sophisticated” economic dev work scores national awards

Published on: Dec 29, 2020 by Michael Snyder

How did PRSA judges describe MEK’s creative and strategic work for the Daviess County Economic Development Foundation in scoring separate national and state awards?

“Solid research strategy. Great branding, Very sophisticated design. Well executed. Design of the piece is beautiful. Passion and creativity were evident.”

MEK scores national economic development awards
MEK strategy & creative scores top awards

The project, completed in a few short weeks, entailed a countywide gathering of data, assembly of key stakeholders, analysis and feedback, media relations and marketing, and a marathon of requested extra data and changes from the funding organization.

MEK produced all design, shot original photography, provided onsite video support, facilitated public meetings, conducted online and traditional surveys, and more for the Daviess County Economic Development Foundation. In addition to support from Daviess County officials (particularly Bryant Niehoff, DCEDF executive director), MEK partnered with Group Stellar and kglobal for selected data collection and section analysis. The finished project (together with related plans) can be viewed here.

Daviess County proposed projects now available for six-figure funding consideration
MEK-produced ROI “Ready Communities” submission

The final 76-page report with original primary research and numerous publicly identified potential projects for funding from the Ready Communities initiative directed by ROI (Regional Opportunities Initiatives) in Bloomington, Indiana.

Projects identified in the Daviess County submission were greenlighted for additional proposals. As one of the early organizers of the WestGate@Crane Technology Park, MEK was also grateful to see that ROI funded the park’s gateway infrastructure project, based on a follow-up grant proposal from DCEDF. As ROI notes on their website: Daviess County Economic Development Foundation, Inc. to support Phase 1 of the WestGate@Crane gateway infrastructure project. This infrastructure project aligns with the newly completed WestGate@Crane masterplan and will include gateway and streetscape improvements at the main entryway into WestGate Certified Technology Park, including pedestrian connectivity, landscaping, water and sewer infrastructure to support park development, and an outdoor recreation “park within a park” concept.

Based on a new proposal from DCEDC, ROI also awarded six figure funding for another project identified by the joint Daviess County-MEK effort: Daviess County Economic Development Foundation to fund a portion of construction costs for the Commons of Daviess County Downtown Plaza and Event Pavilion. –Grant funds will be used to help convert vacant and underutilized properties in downtown Washington into a multi-use community gathering space with a performance arts pavilion, central lawn, public restrooms, concessions serving area, and covered parking lot.

Is your company, economic development group or health care organization looking for high-impact creative, great branding and targeted execution? Why not give us a call? (or email)

By Michael Snyder

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