Digital tapioca or a creative big idea?

Published on: Dec 29, 2023 by Michael Snyder

Driving a new Creator Economy, generative AI-powered marketing automation promises to elevate B2B and consumer outreach to new heights in 2024. As eMarketer reported, “The way marketers create, iterate, distribute, manage, and even think about content will be transformed…[and up to] 65% of US marketers are most excited about using generative AI to create and scale content faster.”

But at the same time, many express concerns about a torrent of AI-mashed-up images, video, and other content flooding an already oversaturated marketplace. If marketers aren’t careful, products and services can become just so much digital tapioca.

A compelling “big idea” brand, coupled with thoughtful personalization, will create powerful messaging. A key consideration? A compelling “big idea” brand, coupled with thoughtful personalization, will create powerful messaging. Relevant ideas delivered in an attractive, compelling setting can maximize the advantages of new digital distribution channels and platforms. Simple, but perhaps more challenging to execute, especially given breathtaking change in marketing, content development and video.


Building compelling brands

Thoughtful, compelling high-octane creative can produce a true Big Idea that positions a company, product, or service for success. Clients seek this creative superpower that can elevate and transform. Such ideas create strong, believable brands that literally became part of our culture.

Today, with all of the advances in AI-powered communication (real and potential), one might think that this principle is even more true. The concern is that the opposite can manifest itself, blurring strategic communication elements down to meaningless blobs of redundant obviousness.

Rightly deployed in a strategic fashion, new AI and related platforms can produce excellence and high-impact communication. But absent a guiding Big idea or vision, communication can lurch toward commoditization.

A great idea, a great brand, a great campaign – these all take time to nurture, develop, produce and execute. The temptation to rely on digitally powered templates to reduce production time and budgets can inadvertently create confusing and brand-busting clutter.

With clutter comes anxiety, so bad communication bruises brands.

Changing platforms and strategy

Industry labels like advertising, PR, content development and media buying (especially in a cookieless future) are changing right in front us. What many public relations, marketing and creative people do today – compared to a decade ago – is in most cases dramatically different. Indeed, all companies have become technology companies with new astonishing capacities for content creation.

Regardless, the Big Idea and how to make it strategically relevant has always been a major key.

Want success as the speed of marketing change accelerates with AI-fueled video and content?

Resist the ease and the siren call of technology-enhanced commoditization. There used to be a popular saying in advertising that went something like this: cheap, fast, effective – pick two. In today’s cluttered communication environment, the saying should perhaps go like this: savvy, attractive, relevant – pick three.

Strategic marketing is not a commodity. It doesn’t come in a ready-to-use box. So, fight back and champion the big idea, the big brand, and cheerfully reject those efforts to commoditize real excellence in communication.

Want more information? Contact MEK today!

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