The TV graphic blunder was an instant classic. And so was the reaction on social media. Here’s the background: in mid-February, an anonymous associate producer at ABC-TV anchor giant WLS in Chicago keyed up a previous graphic. With a push of a lever, the graphic smoothly transitioned as the backdrop...Read More
social media
social media
For many hospitals, early fall is strategic planning and budgeting time. What can a hospital do now to make 2015 a standout year? As the healthcare regulatory and compensation environments swirl ever more complex, can smaller and rural area hospitals and clinics effectively compete with larger urban...Read More
social media
social media
Mega-communicator Roger Ailes notes that the first seven seconds of contact represent the critical ones. All kinds of events transpire. In those seven seconds, you make up your mind whether you like something or someone, and if you have a choice, you decide whether or not to continue a relationship,...Read More
social media
social media
Are you concerned that your brand and company isn’t getting the punch and profile that it deserves on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and the like? Are you not getting “RT”ed, “liked” or “shared”? Real success in social media boils down to about five issues: legitimate and relevant...Read More