
Zoom media training
Oct 30, 2020 | Business Practices

Positive media relations – the strategic placement of news and information about your company, product, or service – remains a powerhouse tactic for brand development. However, media relations now represents something quite different from just a few years ago. Today, there exist about seven public...Read More 


Jul 22, 2014 | MEK News

Sometimes an infographic just sums it up.                                         Original graphic came from Scott Aughtmon (@rampbusinesses) http://www.RecessionSolution.com posted on ContentMarketingInstitute.com             Read More 


Jul 10, 2014 | MEK News

Star date 7.9.2014, Captain’s Log – Content marketing: a growing primary marketing platform to educate, inform, advocate and persuade. Rightly developed and applied with discipline, content marketing creates memorable stories and images that fashion power brands, change minds, create brand...Read More 


Jul 3, 2013 | MEK News

Near-blasphemous, anti-growth blather? Particularly when U.S. auto sales are peaking at a six year high and people are congratulating each other for a bull-like market? Well, I didn’t come up with this headline. It was recently penned by Alan Sloan, Fortune magazine’s senior editor-at-large for finance...Read More 


Apr 17, 2013 | MEK News

“Journalism is the first draft of history” was the saying I grew up with. But recent events like the horrific terrorist act during the Boston Marathon demonstrate that social media, particularly Twitter, is the real first draft of everything. The Boston Marathon tragedy showed us all how social media...Read More 

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