change management

Impact of unintended consequences
Aug 2, 2024 | Trends and Insights

As AI and other forces grow in scope, more catalyzed change is expected in the next 25 years than there was in the last 25. And that’s taking into account past major events of systemic change like the previous rise of the internet, and with it cloud-computing, cryptocurrency, high-power cell phones,...Read More 

change management

Courageous insight, commitment, and execution required to create truly fresh opportunities in a disruptive age of volatility.

Leadership and organizational success today – bearing up under repeated shocks and facing what McKinsey calls “the most challenging environment management teams have ever faced” – requires courageous insight, commitment, and execution to create truly fresh opportunities in a disruptive age of...Read More 

change management

Exhausted from the COVID-19 era? Read this article
Nov 30, 2021 | Business Practices

McKinsey summed it up: “The world is undergoing increasingly rapid, unpredictable, and unprecedented change” — how’s that make you feel if you’re exhausted already? Did that just wear you out reading it? The word “resilience” has to be one of the most over-used words published...Read More 

change management

Mar 19, 2021 | Business Practices

Informed or clueless? In the weeks and months ahead, you as a leader – titled or not – possess an opportunity that will never happen again. Are you engaged in cultural change? As employees and workers begin to return to work, or adapt to hybrid working conditions, you have the extraordinary opportunity...Read More 

change management

Bust up some silos
Dec 30, 2020 | Business Practices

Competition for resources, fatigue, revenue or budget uncertainty, market shifts, and perhaps even a global pandemic. All contribute to mental clutter that challenge us in making right decisions.                         A common response? We...Read More 

change management

Trust - the currency of recovery
May 15, 2020 | Business Practices

The U.S. Marines refer to it as a critical “intangible” of leadership. In this time of dual crises, McKinsey proclaims that its opposite – uncertainty – must be quickly settled. In a moment where people are recalibrating what it is important to them, it is all-important. It is the currency that...Read More 

change management

MEK Business Transformation
Mar 29, 2019 | Business Practices

Profitability shifts. Tightening margins. Workforce issues. Scaling challenges. All these and more drive companies and organizations to consider significant changes – sometimes complete transformation – of processes and operations. A serious fact? Many of these change initiatives and transformation...Read More 

change management

Change management
Feb 20, 2019 | Business Practices

Growth initiatives, scaling efforts and business transformation — all developed with the best of intent — sometimes they’re successful and sometimes they crash and burn, taking companies and organizations down with them. From Winston Churchill to Heraclitus of Ephesus to Elon Musk,...Read More 

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