Let’s consider some qualities of leadership. It’s said that unless you’re a taco, you can’t make everybody happy. It’s said dogs don’t bark at parked cars. And it’s said that reality distortion fields might actually be a good thing. What’s the point? These all relate to one thing:...Read More
building trust
building trust
Aug 29, 2014 | MEK News
The numbers are all up, but nobody believes them. U.S. economic news looks better than it has for years, but a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll (in August 2014) found “widespread economic anxiety” at “record levels.” Why? The devastating Great Recession scarred millions, leading to stubborn...Read More
building trust
Jul 3, 2013 | MEK News
Near-blasphemous, anti-growth blather? Particularly when U.S. auto sales are peaking at a six year high and people are congratulating each other for a bull-like market? Well, I didn’t come up with this headline. It was recently penned by Alan Sloan, Fortune magazine’s senior editor-at-large for finance...Read More