Southern Indiana Focus Groups yield strategic healthcare information

How would you access the quality of healthcare available in your region? What is your assessment of healthcare providers, ranging from IU Health to U of L Health (Louisville) to local providers? What is the biggest gap in healthcare in your region? Who makes the decisions for your family’s healthcare needs? MEK conducted focus groups and other research in southern Indiana.. The research measured healthcare quality and brand equity of area providers and hospitals.

Qualitative and quantitative research

MEK explored these and other questions in a series of focus groups in Orange and Crawford counties in August. MEK client Southern Indiana Community Health Care (SICHC) commissioned the focus groups and additional survey research and interviews. The qualitative and quantitative research measured quality of available healthcare, degree of satisfaction from area healthcare providers and brand equity issues.

The research uncovered several interesting trends, including how local residents viewed selected large healthcare providers (while many are known for a variety of good service offers, considerable specific dissatisfaction and criticism was served up by respondents), what services needed to be expanded in the region (behavioral and mental health, cardiology, and other specialty practices),  and what barriers existed to quality healthcare (transportation, affordability, lack of high-speed broadband access for telehealth).

The focus group research was preceded by quantitative benchmarking of perceptions and trends, which was tested through personal feedback from area participants in the focus groups. The research has formed the foundation for SICHC to use in improving communication about its services and other benefits.

Perceptions and assessments

The focus group and other research uncovered a number of important perceptions and assessments of area residents, including brand awareness of various healthcare service providers throughout the region.

MEK worked with SICHC to produce the moderator discussion guide and help recruit qualified participants. A trained moderator from MEK conducted the confidential sessions.

Interested in how focus groups and research can help your company or organization secure critical strategic information? Contact MEK here.


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