MEK Case Study-Strategic Brand Development
Successful brand development represents a much broader process…
than the creation of logos, but ultimate logo creative development does pack a critical punch in effectively telling your story.
From hospitals and healthcare to technology and tech parks and more, MEK has produced a variety of award-winning visual brand elements and logos. (click an image to view larger)
MEK Brand Development

Smithville Fiber – MEK collaboratively transformed an old-style block typographical logo into a vibrant, forward-looking visual brand element. The Smithville stylistic “S” serves as a stand-alone meaningful logo that enhances the nationally ranked telecom’s “innovation” brand and marketing. SEE MORE

WestGate @ Crane Technology Park – When the now $100 million park was fuzzily referred to as the “North Crane Project,” MEK developed a new park name and visual brand elements that brought the look and feel into a 21st century high-tech realm. (click here for more details)

Major Health Partners (MHP) – MEK completely transformed an outdated healthcare logo with a new name and sophisticated brand look for a $100 million nationally ranked healthcare operation, including the new tag: “Experience the Major Difference.” MEK’s creative team then rebranded all of MHP’s related practice groups and ancillary facilities into a cohesive name, look and feel. SEE MORE

Iotron Industries USA – With a new $15 million state-of-the-art high-tech e-beam facility set to open in northwest Indiana, MEK’s creative director enhanced the Canadian company’s existing logo for American strategic brand positioning.

Mobile Drill – MEK creative professionals took an old “gopher” logo of a major American manufacturer and created a 21st century brand that retained key elements. It remains popular with international and American customers alike.
White Bark Corporation – MEK’s creative team successfully tackled the challenge of creating a logo with a deep story that reflects the Indiana Rural Health Associations new for-profit foray into national education and healthcare-related delivery.
Daviess County Economic Development Corporation – How do you let potential site selection professionals know where you are, particularly when you’re at the median center of the U.S. population? MEK delivered a new graphic brand solution.
Greene County Indiana – Greene County hosts part of a $2 billion U.S. Navy technical lab and it is also home to the nationally known Goose Pond marsh bird habitat. MEK crafted a brand and tag line (Gateway to Business – Corridor to Nature) that helped tell the county’s story.
PellGen E3 Powerblend – An Indiana entrepreneurial group developed innovative (and patented) processes for the development of renewable fuel. To aid in strategic marketing, MEK created corporate and product names and fashioned visual brand elements that helped position the high-tech nature of this company.