About Our Team

MEK was created to deliver dedicated high-impact services, bypassing typical agency structure, a client preference. In a sometimes volatile and complex world, success requires continuous improvement and adaptation of new tools, including analytics, AI and other digital elements. With an experienced core team, MEK draws on a scalable network of high-energy professionals to achieve measurable client outcomes, including brand lift and reaching key influencers. Here’s members of the core MEK team who you’ll see often on your account.

Mike Snyder

Michael Snyder

President/Managing Principal

A long-time marketing and PR professional who started his career in Los Angeles, Michael builds brands and market share through up-to-date strategies and tactics. Marketing is ever-changing in the 21st century and Michael ensures that MEK effectively leads and pivots to meet new challenges. He holds an honors MBA in marketing and finance from Cal State Los Angeles.

Jamie Snyder

Jamie Snyder

Vice President

A creative at heart and a passionate champion of historic preservation and repurposing, Jamie might  have been an innovative architect in another life. Her focus and depth comes to the fore in shaping integrated client campaigns. And by the way, she’s our resident client champion. Jamie also oversees high-impact media buys and client outcomes, as well as MEK’s extended network for video and other marketing services.

Tim Meyers

Tim Meyers

Creative Director

Great ideas require great design to punch through clutter, and Tim boxes in the creative heavy-weight class, as evidenced by the awards MEK has captured. Not bound by traditional ad exec constraints, MEK clients regularly contact Tim directly for fresh creative thinking and execution. Tim is a graduate of the Herron School of Art + Design at Indiana University, which modestly describes itself as “the premier accredited, professional art and design school in the state of Indiana.”

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